For hotel guests who prefer active leisure, we offer a professionally equipped billiard room. Romantic music will make your sports competition more pleasant. Free of charge during the stay.
Hotel Club Room
From the top of the hotel, this room offers a magnificent view of the meandering Vistula River and picturesque hills of the Old Town of Sandomierz.
- air-conditioning
- comfortable sofas and armchairs
- home cinema
- party games (chess, Scrabble, playing cards)
- flat screen
- DVD player.
In Sandomierz
Sandomierz meets the needs of its visitors coming to this historic city to rest, admire its beauty and historic architecture, learn and relax in its enthralling environs of hillside forests and valleys.
Check the places worth seeing in Sandomierz.
Around Sandomierz
Our region with a rich tradition offers a number of tourist attractions.
Check what else we recommend in the area - from 5 to 170 km from the hotel.